Hi, I'm Dr. Brenda!

My goal is to help 2 million struggling students SEE their potential by showing them how to use the POWER of VISION to make learning fun and easy, by December 2030.

I remember years ago as a young parent I was faced with trying to help my kids be successful students. Every night we had arguments about what homework assignments they had, and we were frustrated trying to get them all finished before bedtime. Sometimes we had to get up early in the morning to finish everything.

I decided to dedicate my life to helping my kids, as well as the thousands of children I see in my optometric practice, make learning easier. I empower parents to help their students by using my Visual Secrets for School Success.

I also teach these Visual Secrets to other optometrists so their struggling student patients can benefit from them, and have more time for fun, friends and family.

Since 1995 we have impacted thousands of families around the world who have learned…

  • There are are over 40 visual skills important for learning, only one is 20/20 eyesight.

  • When vision performs at its peak, learning is easier.

  • When the eyes tell the brain HOW to think, learning becomes efficient.

  • When the eyes send incomplete or disconnected information to the brain, learning takes too much time, which creates frustration.

When you SEE MORE (Better Vision), you can BE & DO MORE (Better Life), and then have time to GIVE MORE (Better World).

Join me in helping more people throughout the world identify, develop and build their vision to make learning easier. I look forward to working together with you to help struggling students use vision to improve learning!

Professional Bio

Brenda Montecalvo, OD, FOVDR, FAAO, FCSO has provided primary care optometry to her patients in a successful cutting edge private practice setting for over 35 years. She is the author of the book Visual Secrets for School Success. She presents the Cedarville Seminar Series for Optometric Vision Therapy (OVT), and is a passionate, sought-after international speaker in the areas of vision and learning, neuro-optometric rehabilitation (NOR), strabismus, amblyopia, OVT, prescribing of therapeutic performance lenses, preventive eye care, and practice management (PM).

She is co-author of the American Optometric Association (AOA) Brain Injury Electronic Resource Manual and has authored other articles about NOR, OVT and Practice Management.

Dr. Montecalvo is President of the College of Syntonic Optometry, is a Fellow of the Optometric Vision Development and Rehabilitation Association, Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, Fellow of the College of Syntonic Optometry, and has achieved Skill Level II in NORA. She is a member of the AOA InfantSEE Committee and the AOA Vision Therapy Task Force. She graduated with distinction from the Pacific University College of Optometry.

Dr. Montecalvo is Past-Chair of the AOA Vision Rehabilitation Section (VRS), Past-President of the Ohio Optometric Association and the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA), Co-Chair of the John Streff Invitational Lens Symposium, and trustee of the Vision Leads Foundation.

Dr. Montecalvo’s interests include spending time with her three adult children and grandchild, being active in her church, gardening, and operating a horse farm with her husband, Anthony.

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